ReMeP2021 Workshops – in Kooperation mit IRI§22 und Legal Hackers ONLINE
The annual ReMeP 2021 – Legal Informatics Conference ( will be completed by several virtual workshop sessions, starting on:Wednesday, October 27th, 2021 – 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm CESTWorkshop: „Visual Conceptual Modeling for Law“chaired by Prof. Hans-Georg Fill, University of Fribourg(session language: English)
Panel: Prof. Helena Haapio,University of Vaasa; Contract Strategist, Lexpert LtdProf. Wolfgang Kahlig, CONTAKT-EDV AGFabian Muff, University of FribourgProf. Adam Wyner, Swansea University, University of Aberdeen
Introduction/ KeynotePresentation of a practical applicationRoundtable discussion(subjet to change)In this workshop we will discuss how visual conceptual models can aid in supporting legal processes. This stretches from the elicitation of legal requirements, the representation of processes in the domain of law to the use of visual representations in contracts and other legal documents. It will be aimed for a broad discussion involving both specificially adapted visual representations in the form of domain-specific modeling languages as well as those based on established modeling standards such as UML, BPMN or SysML.
Anmeldung Eventbrite: Anmeldung Meetup:
Weitere Workshops – bitte vormerken: Tue 23 November 2021 and Tue 14 December 2021.
Sunday, 5 September 2021
05.00pm (CEST) | Opening Review ReMeP 2019 and 2020 |
05.30pm (CEST) | Keynote: Prof. Michael Genesereth „The Legacy of Hammurabi – Computational law and its relevance for the future of legal informatics“ followed by Q&A session |
07.00pm (CEST) | Roundtable chaired by Prof. Giovanni Sartor „Computational law in practice“ |
Monday, 6 September 2021
11.00am (CEST) | Welcome |
11.15am (CEST) | Workshop chaired by Prof. Monica Palmirani „Legal AI in Practice“ |
01.15pm (CEST) | Lunch Break |
02.00pm (CEST) | Keynote by Assoc. Prof. Victor Rodriguez-Doncel „How to use legal knowledge graphs in practice“ followed by Q&A session |
03.30pm (CEST) | Show Case „Legal knowledge graphs“ by Clair Sullivan, Neo4j and Christian Sageder, Cybly GmbH |
04.00pm (CEST) | Break |
04.15pm (CEST) | Roundtable chaired by Prof. Hans-Georg Fill „Legal knowledge graphs“ |
06.00pm (CEST) | Wrap-up |
Tuesday, 7 September 2021
11.00am (CEST) | Welcome |
11.15am (CEST) | Workshop chaired by Prof. Erich Schweighofer „Computational notation of laws and regulations“ |
01.15pm (CEST) | Lunch Break |
02.00pm (CEST) | Keynote by Prof. Houman Shadab „The relevance of low-code / no-code for legal education“ followed by Q&A session |
03.30pm (CEST) | Show Case „Low-code / no-code for lawyers“ by Michael Grupp, Bryter |
04.00pm (CEST) | Break |
04.15pm (CEST) | Roundtable chaired by Prof. Peter Wahlgren „Low-code / no-code in practice“ |
06.00pm (CEST) | Wrap-up |