Multilingual Workshop on Artificial Intelligence & Law 2021

to be held on June 25, 2021, 11 a.m. – 4.30 p.m. CEST (UTC+2)
BRT (Brasilia Time): 6 a.m. – 11.30 a.m.
UTC = GMT: 9 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Sao Paulo, Brazil
in conjunction with the

18th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2021)

(online) – IRI§ Zoom Platform provided by rechtsinformatik.ACADEMY and Weblaw; Link on registration or request

Papers and Presentations

Link: MWAIL2021 – Pre-Proceedings 24 June 2021 ( [password protected]

Programme (status 22 June 2021)

Time: 10:45-16:30 CEST (UTC+2) = 8:45-14:30 UTC (GMT) = 5:45-11:30 BRT (UTC-3)

10:45-11:00 – Opening remarks: Cesar Serbena, Fernando Galindo, Erich Schweighofer

11:00-11:30 – Invited talk
Chaired by Erich Schweighofer

AI & Legal Tech in Legal Practice: Views from a Law Firm Managing Partner & Computer Scientist: Stefan Eder

11:30-12:30 – Session I
Chaired by Cesar Serbena

Death by algorithm – Digital Triage and Referral Systems in the Corona Pandemic, Jonas Pfister

The attribution of legal personality to Artificial Intelligence: challenges and their effectiveness.Marcos Wachowicz and Caroline Salmen

12:30-13:00 Virtual Coffee break

13:00-14:30 Session II
Chaired by Erich Schweighofer

Private International Law into the blockchain transactions, Michele Hastreiter and Marcia Carla Pereira Ribeiro

Reflexões preliminares sobre a Inteligência Artificial no Direito Brasileiro: panorama, proteção de dados e controle laboral, Guilherme Guimarães FelicianoSandra Regina CavalcanteAngelo Antônio CabralGabriela Amorim PavianiDevanildo de Amorim Souza and Erotilde Ribeiro dos Santos Minharro

Judicial Accountability in the Brazilian Judiciary through Artificial Intelligence Techniques, Aline Macohin and Cesar Antonio Serbena

14:30-15:00 Virtual Coffee break

15:00-16:30 – Session III
Chaired by Fernando Galindo and Cesar Serbena


Promulgation of Law: The Three-Tier Approach Revisited, Erich Schweighofer

Closing Remarks: Erich Schweighofer, Fernando Galindo, Cesar Serbena

Workshop Organisers:

Fernando Galindo, Erich Schweighofer, Cesar Serbena

Considering that ICAIL 2021 will be held for the first time in South America (in São Paulo), the fourth edition of the MWAIL Workshop proposes a multilingual methodology for a strong interaction between the Brazilian and South American community of AI and Law scholars and the European and North American community. MWAIL Workshop had editions in ICAIL 2015 (San Diego), 2017 (London) and 2019 (Montreal).

The Multilingual Workshop on AI & Law Research intends to reach out to non-English speaking communities worldwide, in particular Spanish and Portuguese, to present and discuss on-going research on the main following topics, but not limited to, both from a theoretical and practical point of view:

-Legal data science applications, also in a multilingual environment,

-Advanced legal search engines and legal information systems

-Advanced applications in e-justice, e-government, e-commerce and e-democracy

-Legal knowledge systems and formal models of legal systems (logic applied to legal reasoning, formal models of probability etc.)

-Discovery of electronically stored legal information (e-discovery)

-Machine learning and data mining for legal applications

-The computational study of legal reasoning and argumentation

-Applications of AI and automated reasoning for the legal domain

-“High-volume” applications of rule-based systems

-Covid19 context and the challenges to Legal Education and Legal profession

-Philosophical questions of the actual AI and Law

-Actual Data protection in Brazil, South America and Europe: similarities and differences

-Blockchain technologies and Law

We invite researchers to submit their original papers (drafts 4-10 pages, final papers: 8 pages, 2400 words) and extended English abstracts (2 pages, 600 words) on these themes. The submission language can be Spanish, Portuguese, German, and English. Other languages e.g. Arabic, Chinese, German, French, Japanese, Russian, Hindi etc. are admissible subject to a sufficient numbers of submissions and a panel organiser fluent in this language and English. In any case, a submission must also be supplemented with an extended English abstract. In case of acceptance, both the paper and the extended English abstract will be included in the workshop materials. The presentation can be given in the chosen language but presentation materials, in particular slides, have to be available in English in order to allow the English speaking community to get a good understanding of the research results. Pre-prepared audios and videos in English are also helpful. Interpretation will be available for all sessions.


Prof. Dr. Fernando Galindo, University of Zaragoza, Spain Prof. Dr. Dr. Erich Schweighofer, University of Vienna, Austria Prof. Dr. Cesar A. Serbena, Federal University of Parana, Brazil

Reviews of the Programme Committee

Participants will be selected by a peer review of abstracts by the Programme Committee. The Programme Committee will include members of the various linguistic groups.


Dr. Michal Araszkiewicz, Jagiellonian University, Kraków,

Prof. Dr. Danièle Bourcier, Université de Paris II & CNRS,

Dr. Stefan Eder, Benn-Ibler Lawyers,

Prof. Dr. Fernando Galindo, University of Zaragoza, Spain

Franz Kummer, Weblaw, Switserland,

Prof. Dr. Ken Satoh, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo,

Prof. Dr. Giovanni Sator, European University Institute & University of Bologna,

Prof. Dr. Dr. Erich Schweighofer, University of Vienna, Austria

Prof. Dr. Cesar A. Serbena, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil

Dr. Yueh-Hsuan Weng,

Bernhard Waltl, Technische Universität München,


Sunday, 2 May 2021: Submission of draft papers (at least 4 pages) and extended abstracts in English (2 pages)

Monday, 24 May 2021: Notification of acceptance

Monday, 14 June 2021: Submission of final version of paper for workshop pre-proceedings (online version)

25 June 2021 (full day), Workshop: on line; 10-18 hours Brasilian time, 5-13 hours European time

Submission of Abstracts

Conference system Easychair

Requests and Information

Fernando Galindo, (Spanish)

Erich Schweighofer, (English, German, French) Cesar Serbena, (Portuguese)

Short Profiles of the organisers

Prof. Dr. Fernando GALINDO Ayuda

Departamento de Derecho Penal, Filosofía del Derecho e Historia del Derecho Universidad de Zaragoza

Prof. Dr. Fernando GALINDO Ayuda is a Full Professor of Legal Philosophy (catedrático) at the University of Zaragoza, Spain. He is a professor since 1985, teaching legal philosophy, computers and law, ethics and law for engineers. He is one of the main network organisers in legal informatics, well-known for being the co-ordinator of research networks in computers and law, supported by the European Commission. He was the project leader of many projects, in particular FESTE and AEQUITAS. Since 1999, he co-ordinates the „Legal Network for Information Society“ (LEFIS – with members in all countries of the European Union, Russia, several in South America, USA and Canada.In the 1980s and 1990s, he researched on AI & Law & legal theory, together with the University of Linz and Queen’s University of Belfast (Irlanda del Norte). His international experience has focussed on legal theory and philosophy and e-signatures, closely related to AI & law research.


Prof. Dr. Dr. Erich Schweighofer

University of Vienna, Group Legal Informatics / rechtsinformatik.ACADEMY, Juridicum, Schottenbastei 10-16/2/5, 1010 Wien AT

Tel. +43 1 4277 35305, Fax +43 1 4277 9353; https://rechtsinformatik.ACADEMY

Erich Schweighofer is Professor of Legal Informatics, International Law and European Law & Head of the Centre of Legal Informatics at the University of Vienna ( He has over thirty years experience of funded research in legal informatics. He holds degrees in law, informatics, economics and international relations. His technical background includes all aspects of law in the knowledge society, in particular legal retrieval systems, legal ontologies, semiautomatic text analysis and document categorisation, digital forensic, digital signatures etc. He was head or local co-ordinator of many research projects. He chairs the legal informatics groups in Germany (GI Gesellschaft für Informatik) and Austria (OCG Austrian Computer Society). Every year, he organizes the well-known Legal Informatics Conference IRIS ( He is a regular participant at ICAIL conferences since 1993, speaker, workshop organiser, and PC member.
Presently, he is also a Principal Commission Councillor (Hauptkommissionsrat, in (to be improved) Commission German Hauptverwaltungsrat) at the European Commission in Brussels, responsible for competition, state aids, data governance, AI, robotics etc. (and also bees) in DG AGRI.

Prof. Dr. Cesar Antonio SERBENA

Law School, Federal University of Parana, Brazil

Cesar Serbena is a Full Professor of Philosophy of Law at the Federal University of Parana, Brazil. Has experience in teaching Law, focusing on Philosophy of Law, acting on the following subjects: e-justice, legal language, deontic logic, epistemology, analysis of legal reasoning. He is coordinator of the Research Groups: e-Justice UFPR and Foundations of Law. His international experience has focussed on legal theory and philosophy and e-justice, closely related to AI & law research.