LEXISNEXIS Best Paper Award IRIS25

IRIS presents the LexisNexis Best Paper Award for outstanding conference contributions to promote legal informatics.

Criteria for evaluation are scientific relevance, topicality, originality, methodology, applicability as well as structure and presentation of the work. The thesis should be eight pages long; minor deviations are permitted (IRIS25 print format template).

The top 10 papers will each receive € 100; the 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners will receive an additional € 300, € 200 and € 100 respectively.

The LexisNexis Best Paper Award will be conferred by a jury appointed by the IRIS programme managers and presented by the programme chair and the sponsor LexisNexis in a ceremony during IRIS25. Legal action against the decision is not possible. The award may be cancelled if no suitable work has been submitted.

If it proves necessary, the jury is authorised to call in additional reviewers. The names of the jury members and any reviewers will be announced at the award ceremony.

The paper must have been submitted as a conference contribution to IRIS25 by 31 October 2024. Only submissions with complete documentation can be considered.


  • Attorney at Law Univ.-Lektor Mag. rer.soc.oec. Dr. iur. Stefan Eder
  • Prof. Dr. Reinhard Riedl
  • Assoz.-Prof. DI Mag. Dr. Michael Sonntag
  • Prof. Mag. DDr. Erich Schweighofer
  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Maria Wimmer
  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Fill